Environmental corruption in Kasempa


Today we are talking with our Transparency Action Group (TAG) active in Kalumbila, on the risks of environmental corruption in Kalumbila district and what the TAG is doing to fight it!  


What are the main environmental issues in your district?  

Forest degradation. There are many businesses attracted by the opening of two mines. There is a lot of land clearing so they can put up houses [for mine workers and newcomers], which are leased out to those who want to settle in Kalumbila. This causes a lot of degradation to our environment, huge damages are done.  

What are the main issues of environmental corruption?  

We don’t really see environmental corruption at the local level. However, corruption is exported to our communities by those who want to engage with illicit businesses.  

What has been your involvement in this field? 

We go to our communities and sensitize them on issues such as land degradation and forest damage. 

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