Open Case (Red Flag)

The Encroachment of Lusaka National Park by Politically Influential Persons 
Status: Open Case (Red Flag) Last updates:   September 2024 - The Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) has demolished about 30 illegally built structures in Lusaka National Park. The Ministry of Tourism has also instituted investigations into the illegal land...
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The Illicit Logging of Mukula in Luapula
Status: Open Case (Red Flag)   Last updates: 2024: civil society are calling on the government to set up a commission of enquiry into the mukula trade in the last ten years; Given Lubinda and Jean Kapata’s case against the...
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The Degazetting of Forest 27 in Lusaka
Status: Open Case (Red Flag)   Last updates: 2024: Construction is still going on coupled by selling of new plots and putting up of beacons on illegally claimed land. An area for a fuel station in the degazetted area has...
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The Batoka Gorge Dam Controversy
Status: Open Case (Red Flag) Last updates: Apr. 2024: ZRA is set to resume tendering for prospective developers of the project, starting 2025 Sep. 2023: UNESCO has given Zambia and Zimbabwe permission to build a $5 billion hydroelectric dam downstream...
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